A fairly topical matter- The 2014 Quite Nerdy Awards

Seeing as Christmas is this week (I know, how exciting!) and we're yet to get sick of it, this week is brought to you by ridiculous and incredibly impractical ideas. Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you "I wish it could be Christmas everyday". Although if you watched the Black Mirror Christmas special, you won't enjoy it anymore. I guarantee it.

The end of year is nigh and school is out (for now). And what a year it's been. We've twerked, tweeted and tempted the end of humanity with the Harlem Shake but we've also had some incredible TV, Films and Video Games turn up and blow our minds. This list is not comprehensive, it's just my opinions about things I saw/played this year. Also, this list has some negative awards dotted around like turd sprinkles on a chocolate cake. Or sultanas in a Christmas cake, seeing as it is the season to be jolly.

Sherlock- Biggest tease (Stephen Moffat)
Starting with one of the first shows to come out this year and it wasn't a half bad start. First was a not-explanation for Sherlock's faked death followed by a genuinely brilliant wedding episode. And then we had the hugely polarizing final episode. We have the huge bombshell about Watson's wife, the drug induced return of Moriarty and then the actual return of Moriarty. Just from reading that, you can't deny that this series was a roller coaster but what was worse was that this was three episodes, spread over 2 1/2 weeks. We get three episodes of Sherlock and then eleven empty months, devoid of Cumberbatch and his puzzle solving/heart breaking cheekbones. STOP PLAYING WITH MY EMOTIONS STEPHEN! MY EMOTIONS!

Doctor Who- The "Stephen Moffat is forgiven" award
I don't think I need to say anymore about this what with the award name. Stephen Moffat kind of cocked up with Sherlock but he and the entire cast really knocked it out the park. Maybe read my review for more stuff about Doctor Who (he subtly suggests)

Death in Paradise- Best series I refuse to admit didn't suck
The first two series of Death in Paradise were excellent. They mixed interesting murder mysteries with a gorgeous tropical setting and a cast of incredibly lovable characters. Can't say I had high hopes for the third after Ben Miller gets killed off in the first episode. He made the show what it was and brought something to it that couldn't be brought back. I watched the first episode to give it a chance and didn't enjoy it. But having caught a few episodes that were on in the background, I found myself... How do I say this? Not hating it and wanting to tear out my vital organs. While I'll not explicitly say it, I didn't hate it without Ben Miller and I may watch series 4. Well played BBC. Well played

Community- Best return to form
Season 4 of community was so incredibly disappointing I can't put it into words, especially after the masterpiece that the previous three had been. Which is why I was so pleased with season 5. While it wasn't my favourite season yet, it was a monumental step up that can't be understated and I'm so pleased it's back on track. This is also very promising for the almost cancelled sixth season and potential movie. If it continues like it has, the sixth season will be like season 2 (wonderful and rarely flawed) and then the movie like the third season (my favourite by far that, while patchy, is frequently perfection). And that is thanks to the beautiful return to form that season 5 was. Hooray for Dan Harmon!

Rick and Morty- Best animated show
Community creator Dan Harmon had a lot to live up to with this animated show that sprung up out of nowhere earlier this year. But what he created was this beauty of a cartoon. It's essentially Community but turned up to 11. The level of self-awareness is tremendous and it uses all the benefits that cartoons allow for by setting it in space, with tons of strange and wonderful creatures. This show surprised me with how much I enjoyed it and any fan of Community has no excuse not to check it out. Even people who don't like community may find something wonderful and crazy to love about Rick and Morty's crazy adventures.

Bojack Horseman- Best constant simulation of feeling high
I watched this made for Netflix cartoon for one main reason: Will Arnett. He was one of the countless highlights of Arrested Development (still worth a watch on Netflix) and also was excellent as Batman in the Lego Movie. So, if he was in it, it must be worth a look. This was. Is this show approachable No. It's full out weird and has animals and humans living together, working together and sleeping together in harmony. The characters aren't anything new but the show is pretty amusing. Also, Alison Brie off Community is there, as is Aaron "BITCH" Paul from Breaking Bad. Watch it, but don't expect to understand it.

Orphan Black- Best performance from an actress (Tatiana Maslany) and most WTF moment
Orphan Black is a show I only discovered this year but one that has already impressed me vastly with it's natural talent for tension, writing and most of all, Tatiana Maslany. Without spoiling the entire plot of the later episodes, Maslany plays a multitude of varied characters that are all interesting to see interact with the each other and the world around them. The show deals in Sci-fi themes but to enjoy it, you just have to appreciate good drama. And it has a moment that just really screwed with me which I won't spoil but you'll know what I mean if you've seen it or read my Top 7 musical moments in TV (which I recommend you should). Basically, check it out.

House of Cards- Best show of the year, Best episode of a show (S2 Ep 1) and Best performance from an actor (Kevin Spacey)
After getting Netflix for my birthday, the first port of call for me was House of Cards. Best. Decision. Ever. It contains an impeccably done performance by all cast members but especially Kevin Spacey. Holy shit, can this man act. Francis Underwood (Spacey's character) is one of the most interesting and totally ruthless characters. Make no mistake, you screw with Frank, he will screw you. Bad news for the characters, wonderful news for the audience. The tension is also sky high. And the first episode of season 2 was simply incredible and shook up the whole show for good. My only fault with the show is that it's a show made for streaming so if you get to the end of the season but there are more to come, enjoy the wait. Because it comes around once a year, gets released all in one chunk and it will lead you to binge the equivalent of 13 weeks programming to 13 days. The vicious cycle continues. But it's a beautifully vicious cycle. It hurts you and torments you in a way that means you can't ever escape, certainly not from Frank. For he will make you pay.

Fargo- Best new show
I only watched this recently but I just binged it. Like, ten episodes in 24 hours while still getting sleep level of binge watching. I can't comment on how it compares to the original Coen Brothers film of the same name having not seen it. What I can comment on is how great this is. It's very great. The story, while not actually true (according to google) is gripping. It takes hold early on with all the mysteries it throws at us and doesn't let go until the final moments. Come and see some of your favourite actors of today get thrown into a ice cool murder mystery. Who will survive? Who will kill to survive? And who will say "aw jeez" a bunch?

Orange is the new Black- Most needless lesbian scenes
Orange is the new Black is incredibly overrated. It's good, I can't deny that, it just doesn't stand up to House of Cards. One reason I didn't enjoy it so much was the huge and needless amounts of lesbian scenes. Don't get me wrong, there's nothing against lesbian scenes done tastefully. It's good to see TV being accepting of something that has long been a social taboo. The problem is 10 different lesbian sex scenes a season. That's a bit much really, isn't it? I liked the show and will watch season 3, but it's no House of Cards. Doesn't deserve the hype.

Black Mirror- Best show that will ruin your day/week/life
In case you haven't noticed, I kind of love Charlie Brooker. He is a twisted, evil satirical writer who has the power to make you laugh your eyes out and reach a level of depression where you will want to bash your face in with a plastic spoon within the same sentence. Generally, he does articles for the Guardian (which I heartily recommend) but he also does his weekly wipe series where he will destroy the past week, no matter what has or hasn't happened. And then there's Black Mirror. Black Mirror is a show that will make you laugh, think and then make you want to jump out the window. It's a no holds barred look at a future that could await us and this year's Christmas special was no different. I won't ruin it, but it's really dark and twisted and very, very Black Mirror. If festivity just ain't your jam, try this. You won't be in such a good mood much longer.

The Apprentice- Biggest surprise return to form
The tenth series of The Apprentice was a surprise return to form for one reason: it hadn't really gone noticeably downhill. I still watched it, I still enjoyed it. But this series was something special. The candidates were some of the most arrogant, most boisterous and most ridiculous we've seen in quite a while. This year's series also gave us two of the most entertaining episodes ever with the coach trip episode and the country fair episodes being unforgettable. It's simply just nice to see that a show that's ten years old can stay funky fresh and entertaining. Bring on series 11.

Scrotal Recall- Best title for a show EVER
I didn't even watch this, the title is just beautiful. We should all sit here and enjoy it for a bit at this, one of the most festive and joyous times of the year. Scrotal Recall. Thank you Channel 4, you ingenious bastards.

Lego Movie- Best children's film that I shouldn't have liked as much as I did
This movie taught us two very important things. 1. Licensed films don't have to suck 2. Everything is cool when you're part of a team. And I'm grateful for that knowledge. This film also gave us one of the best big screen experiences of the whole year, with it's simply fun nature. I dare you to watch this without breaking into a massive grin at least once. You can try but it's impossible. A licensed children's film based around a really old toy that is actually good. What a time we live in.

Her- Best moustache and Best artsy film
This film started my descent into more artsy and serious films. It's basically the gateway drug. First Her, then Birdman, next thing you know you're watching Terrence Malik. But this is a film that I didn't expect a lot of and got a hell of a lot from. It's funny (the phone sex scene has to be heard to be believed) and has charm. Scarlet Johannsen delivers a hell of a performance despite never being seen on screen and Joaquin Phoenix's moustache is the stuff of legend. If you've never really got "arty" films, watch this. It WILL change your mind.

Captain America: The Winter Soldier- Greatest improvement from original to sequel
We can all agree that the original Captain America wasn't that great. It wasn't bad, it just didn't do anything that interesting, let alone deserve a sequel. Still, if there's one thing Marvel have proven as of late, it's that they know what they're doing. This film blew every expectation straight out the water, out of the atmosphere and then into another galaxy. We got a tense, action packed spy thriller that set up some huge plot details for the future of Marvel's cinematic universe and was just really enjoyable. You may not have checked this out, but with the Blu-Ray now out, there's never been a better time.

The Fault in our Stars- Best tween film that I shouldn't have liked as much as I did and Most perfect adaptation
Ladies and Gentlemen, the film that made me realize that I am in fact a teenage girl. The Fault in our Stars is famous for being a book (and now film) that teenage girls will sit and cry over for hours and I went to the special week early fan premiere. I'm not (too) ashamed to admit that I loved it and came close to crying. It was also really special because it was such a perfect adaptation. It's something that even people who hate the book will admit because it just works. It's close to Fight Club and Scott Pilgrim on levels of perfection and fan service. You might not like it unless you're a teenage girl/closet teenage girl but it's a bloody great adaptation.

Guardians of the Galaxy- Best film, Most enjoyable film, Best character who's an alien, Best
character who's a tree, Best character who's a raccoon e.t.c.
I challenge you to find a more enjoyable film from this year. This film was simply the happiest, most joyful and knowingly ridiculous film of the year. Everyone in this film played their role to perfection, every scene crafted to perfection, every song on the soundtrack chosen perfectly. It's launched Chris Pratt into the hearts of everyone on the internet and I am Groot into the vocabulary of every human. If you haven't seen it why not? It's the best film this year and you have to watch it.

Dawn of the Planet of the Apes- Best CGI
Part two of my first double review spectacular, this film can't fail to blow you away. From the very first shot to the very last, the CGI is some of the best we've seen ever. Andy Serkis really has to be commended for the weight he brings to what would normally be an un-relateable and kind of goofy role.  This is the kind of film that you should all have gone to see in cinema but if you are still yet to see it, make this a blu-ray buy.

22 Jump Street- Most self aware sequel and Best comedy
I didn't expect a whole lot from either film in this series. The first blew me away with the clever way it looked at police dramas and teen comedies and the way it just refused to take itself seriously. Then the sequel blew me away with the whole new level of self awareness it reached and with the fact that it was (for my money) a better and funnier film than the first. Yup. A sequel that's better than the first film. A rare and beautiful oddity, it's a film that hit all the right notes with me and had the single funniest end credits you will ever see (and that's a guarantee). While it has effectively ruled out any further entries in the series, it has created a large and very warm place in my heart. Tatum and Hill: the best comedy double act in a very long time.

Muppets Most Wanted- Best celebrity cameos
There are two reasons that this film avoided being totally forgotten. The first is how self aware it was but I preferred how 22 Jump Street did the whole self aware sequel thing so it loses that battle. But where this film shines is in the HUGE amount of celebrity cameos that happened. We had some major celebrity roles like Tina Fey and Ricky Gervais but then we had some wonderfully strange ones like Danny Trejo. Christoph Waltz and Chloe Grace Moretz who appeared for very short moments. These moments held the film up a lot alongside the slightly fading magic of the original muppet cast. Do you have to see this film? No. But there are worse you could see. But then again, there was also The Lego Movie this year, which was pretty incredible as I may have mentioned a little bit.

The Judge- Most uncomfortable incest plotline
This film could potentially be an Oscar film, I'm still not sure yet. It's a pretty solid film with some incredibly solid performances but what is incredibly clear is the uncomfortable incest plotline that occurred. This is kind of spoilers but basically Robert Downey Jr made out (and maybe more) with this chick who was the daughter of some girl he used to bang and his brother. In the film he then also re makes out with the chick he used to bang and the whole thing is quite uncomfortable. Good film though.

The Maze Runner- Most solid yet not perfect adaptation
This is exactly what the award said. It's a solid film, a solid adaptation and had solid acting. Good film but it came out the same year as The Fault in our Stars and the same year I watched and read Fight Club. It changed bits, some for the better, some for the worse and kept some bits the same, some for the better, some for the worse. A fairly decent film for fans of Young adult literature/films.

The Imitation Game- Best Biopic
I don't know a whole lot about Alan Turing other than he cracked the enigma code and he was persecuted for being a homosexual. This film will teach you more in a manner that is only ever interesting at worst. While I'm not sure how much of the film was fictionalized, it was a genuinely fascinating look into the enigma code and the enigma that cracked it. Certainly a film that you should check out, even if it can occasionally drag or feel cliched.

Goat Simulator- Worst purchase I made
The less I say about this, the better. I just feel embarrassed that no only did I buy this, I bought it at full price. A no no when on Steam. Don't buy this game. It might make you laugh for about half an hour but just watch footage on YouTube. It costs less and you're supporting YouTubers. But please, for god sake, don't buy this game. Please.

The Wolf Among Us- Best story and Best villain (Bloody Mary)
My relationship with stories in video games is a weird and complicated one. On the one hand, I adore games like Just Cause 2 and Saints Row 3. On the other, games like Spec Ops: The Line and Professor Layton and the Lost Future had a huge impact on me emotionally. So a game that's more about story and less about gameplay could go either way. It went the right way. I think I may have developed a love for neo-noir thrillers somewhere because this just hit all the right buttons for me. I've already played it through once and I get the feeling more play throughs are on the cards. This game is super stylish, has a totally badass protagonist and a truly evil antagonist. Plus, all the episodes are out now so you can binge play them. Hooray!

Turbo Dismount- Best ragdoll effects
This is a funny game. How did it achieve this? Was it by pitching itself as a laugh out loud WACKY simulator? No. It was by being a silly game that kind of snuck up on everyone and was very humble about it's achievements. It had a physics engine that basically consisted of a few bits of string holding together the world and your little ragdoll character in all the right ways. This game is nothing deep and won't pretend it's anything it isn't and that's why you really have to play it.

Destiny- Most over-hyped decent game
Destiny had a marketing budget that most films would kill for as their total budget. What this lead to was a game that, while not bad, was not the second coming of Christ as it was advertised. Still, not a bad game. But does it need to be always online? A great game it is not. But it's not bad.

Shadow of Mordor- Best game I didn't buy
Orc stabber simulator 2014. I only borrowed it but I enjoyed the four hours of content I got free from it. If it's super cheap in the future, I might pick it up and continue my journey. But for a few hours of stabbing poor, evil orcs in the throat, chest and face repeatedly, it's great fun and one of the best/only games on current gen.

Halo: The Master Cheif Collection- Best new game that's not really a new game
Halo is one of the most critically adored and fan favourite series of video games ever and with good reason. If (like myself) you were too young to experience the joys of Halo 1, 2 or maybe even 3, this is the time to jump in. With all the Halo games featuring Master Chief here fully preserved and with 2 receiving an extra layer of polish, this is how you do a sci-fi shooter. Also to be noted, you get full and complete access to the Halo 5 multiplayer beta. Awesome.

Well, that's my awards. One day, all these categories will be officially recognized by game award shows. If they don't, I will eat my sprouts. Also, stay tuned. This Wednesday, a Die Hard review. You know, if family get too much and you just want to find recluse in the internet. And finally, thank you to everyone who has supported me and my blog this year. The response has been astounding and I just hope I can carry on the good work for your entertainment and my craft. Thank you. Please don't leave.


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