Top 7- Most Anticipated TV Shows of 2017

I am incredibly excited for the TV this year. Sure, we had some great stuff last year but this year we're getting new seasons of shows that started strong last year, returns from shows I love and new and exciting shows that show great promise. I'll just shut up and get started.

Legion Season 1

Fargo showrunner Noah Hawley tackles the X-Men universe in a show that looks bright and original, with an interesting seeming lead performance from Dan Stevens.

Taboo Season 1

Tom Hardy's new show seems to deal with fantasy elements in a Victorian setting. It could be good, especially with the talent behind it and we'll only have to wait until this Saturday to see how it turns out.

Lovesick Season 3

There's no guarantee the third season of Lovesick is coming this year but if it does, it will be one of the smartest and most heartbreaking comedies of the year, just as those first two stunning seasons were.

Marvel's The Defenders

The culmination of all the Marvel Netflix shows we love (and those we haven't quite got round to), this show is hopefully going to bring together the action of the previous shows and also bring back the fantastic Jessica Jones.

Bojack Horseman Season 4

After three amazing seasons, it seems hard to believe that this show can retain the same high standard. Plus, it's hard to tell where the show will go after the awards show plotline and the dramatic events that finished the last season. Wherever Bojack Horseman goes though, I will follow.

The Punisher

Whatever your thoughts on season 2 of Daredevil, you probably agree that The Punisher was the very best thing about it. With the news that he would get his own series, anticipation sprung up immediately and will continue to rise until his series debuts later this year.

Preacher Season 2

Season 1 of Preacher was one of my surprise favourites of 2016 and while the show has seemingly undone some of its work that the superb first season did, I want to see where they take the adventures of Jesse, Tulip and Cassidy next.

There are the honourable mentions, now for the really exciting stuff.

7. A Series of Unfortunate Events Season 1

When I was younger, I devoured A Series of Unfortunate Events over one summer holiday and loved it. Sure, it had problems but it was thematically consistent and a generally enjoyable ride. The film came out in the 2000's and while I usually love Jim Carrey, it didn't really work for me. That is why I'm glad that the series is getting another chance at having a great adaptation from Netflix. The Netflix track record is incredibly strong right now and while I am not entirely sure about the cast yet (I recognise you from Nine Lives young girl), the style seems pretty on point. We only have to wait till the luckiest day of all, Friday the 13th of this month, to find out if it's good or not.

6. The Handmaid's Tale

I'm going to make a bold statement here and that is that out of all the books I've ever studied, The Handmaids Tale is the best one. It is a dystopian tale that deals with feminism, toxic American politics and also actual toxicity in the sci-fi elements of the book. This story has so much to it and the posibility of translating all of that to a miniseries fills me with such excitement. Some screenshots have been released recently (one of them is above) and they capture the mood perfectly, also showing the stellar cast of Elisabeth Moss (Peggy from Mad Men), Yvonne Strahovski (Sarah from Chuck) and Samira Wiley (Poussey from Orange is the New Black). This series will be watched plenty by me though, regardless of quality, because it is basically my revision tool for my exam season.

5. House of Cards Season 5

There is only so far fictional politics can go now after the year we've had but regardless, I'm very excited to see where season 5 of one of the most exciting politics based shows ever made. After the ending of last season, it frankly seems impossible to predict where the show will actually go next but that actually makes me want to see it more. Show runner Beau Willimon has unfortunately left the show and this season is pretty much going to need to prove that the show can still function without him. Even if it doesn't manage to reach the heights that the show has before, Kevin Spacey is always a wonderful and terrifying screen presence and it will be worth watching solely for that.

4. Twin Peaks Season 3

Diane, it's 2017 and he's coming back. It's Agent Cooper. Last summer, I ventured into Twin Peaks for the first time and emerged a changed man. Without a shadow of a doubt, it is one of the weirdest, most frustrating yet utterly compelling shows ever made. Somehow, it combined soap opera cliches with a story that is more confusing than maybe any other put to TV and that actually worked in ways that no one expected. Still, it has one of the most frustrating endings a show has ever had and while very little is known about the new show, it's a town and show I am delighted to get back into. I can only hope that endless repeats of the soundtrack and that new novel keep me tided over until the most mysterious town in America opens its gates once more.

3. Black Mirror Season 4

If the continual coverage of Black Mirror on my blog hasn't given it away, I'm a big fan of Black Mirror and also pretty much anything Charlie Brooker does. After a couple of years off, the show returned with its strongest season yet and that bodes so well for the fourth season. Like many others here, very little is known. There are some exciting details however, including that Jodie Foster will be directing which, as someone who was actually quite fond of Money Monster, is great news. I'd like a little more consistency across this season but if we have episodes of a quality close to last season, I will still be delighted. Another trip to the London Film Festival would be wonderful as well but that's not essential.

2. Fargo Season 3

One of my favourite shows on TV right now, Fargo seasons 1 and 2 were never anything less than spectacular. Yeah, both had a stumble or two but overall, they were two of the strongest seasons of TV that I have ever seen. Throughout the show, Noah Hawley created a feel and definitely a look that sticks with the viewers consistently and the jumping between time periods helps that work so well. The new season is set in the (not as near as you think) past of 2010 and has 10 Cloverfield Lane's Mary Elizabeth Winstead in an unknown role and the wonderful Ewan McGregor, also returning in Trainspotting 2 this year. playing two very different twins. The last two seasons set a very high bar and as such, I don't need the new season to clear it, just come close.

1. Rick and Morty Season 3

The very greatest show on TV right now made by one of the greatest TV writers of the generation finally returns next year and I can not wait at all. It's no secret that Community is my favourite show of all time but Rick and Morty has been making serious ground, seriously quickly. The absurdist edge lent by both the sci-fi element of the show and the animated aspect means that new ideas just flow quickly and easily. Season 3 of Community is my favourite of the entire show because it is willing to embrace the weirdest bits of the show and I feel like, despite the fact that Rick and Morty has already fully embraced absurdity, this is the season where the show is going to get truly comfortable. I also consider Rick and Morty to be the show that showed me the new trend where comedies can get really depressing but in a way that is incredibly touching. With that incredible cliff hanger from the last season, this show can only go up in plot, characters and pure, perfect comedy.


  1. Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaambino


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