Review- X-Men Origins: Wolverine

X-Men Apocalypse comes out very soon and that's exciting because the last few films in the franchise have been great. Unfortunately, I'd already seen those so I'm reviewing X-Men Origins: Wolverine instead. I hate life.

X-Men Origins: Wolverine (or Origins as I will call it now because the title is long and stupid) has a bad story and is a bad film. Cool, see you next week.

Oh, you want more? Urgh, fine. It is the origins of Wolverine. We see a really cool montage of Wolverine and his brother Sabretooth fighting in all the big wars and had the movie just been that, I would have been close to happy. Unfortunately, it goes on and Wolverine is recruited into a squad of trained fighters. They're too evil for him so he leaves but years after, they're being hunted down by a mysterious killer. The killer isn't a mystery though, it's Sabretooth and we find this out immediately, ruining any tension. Anyway. Wolverine becomes Wolverine through a painful process that is fairly well done and he hunts down the men after him. It is a hot mess of a plot and would be fine if it serviced good action. It doesn't.

I'll talk about the acting and use of characters here as well. Hugh Jackman is a highlight because let's face it, the man plays Wolverine to perfection. He does his best with the messy script and crap action scenes and it makes me sad that we only have on real film left in him. This film does prove though that even if that film is crap, Jackman will be great. As for the rest of the cast, meh. Liev Schreiber is Sabretooth and again, tries with the work he's been given. The theme of most of this cast is wasted potential, especially Ryan Reynolds as Deadpool. No doubt, you saw Deadpool earlier this year and loved his quips and violence. Now imagine if  Deadpool was made with neither of those. That is this film. I would also like to take a quick moment to quip on He can't act. He just can't. He wears a hat, tries to crack wise and then dies far too late on in the film (spoilers I guess).

To trash on the film a little bit more, the CG is abysmal. Before I go much further, I will say that the film is fine on a technical note (CG withstanding but I'll get to that), it's just that the film is disappointing for anyone who like the X-men films or comics or just superhero films in general. So, back to how bad it is. The original films made the right move in giving Jackman practical claws but that isn't good enough for Origins. No, it has to make them CG, leading to a ridiculous scene in which Wolverine sharpens his claws against each other. It looks bad but not as bad as the infamous ladder scene. I won't discuss the context because I have revision to procrastinate from but it ends in Wolverine slicing a ladder as it falls onto him. It is a shiny mess which makes a nice change to the usually sloppy mess the film is for about a second but then you remember that it's a mess anyway.

Like I said, X-Men Origins: Wolverine isn't an awful film but I'd be hard pushed to recommend it to anyone. I guess if there's any positive, it's the Fox have learnt from their mistakes and are back to making good X-Men movies. If only they'd make a good Fantastic Four film but there is no God anyway so we'll enjoy Apocalypse and an R-rated Wolverine for now. This film though? It's bad but not anything to get too worked up about so it gets a


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