Double Review Spectacular- Moon and Source Code
Warcraft is out and will either be the first real good video game movie, a moderately fine fantasy film or a hot mess that had good direction but was bogged down by studio involvement (if the reviews are correct, probably the latter). Either way, I think it's important that we remember how great a director Duncan Jones is and as such, I want to review his other two films which have been two of the best sci-fi films of recent years. Before I begin, I'd like to say that these two films are best enjoyed knowing as little as possible so I'd recommend watching them both now before you read the review. These films are Moon and Source Code so let's get to it with Moon first. Moon is a film that I probably shouldn't have reviewed because I don't want to tell you much about it. I'll try my best to avoid anything major but that's pretty hard all things considered. It tells the story of one man, played by Sam Rockwell, who runs a station on the moon. This stat...