
Showing posts from May, 2016

Double Review Spectacular- Moon and Source Code

Warcraft is out and will either be the first real good video game movie, a moderately fine fantasy film or a hot mess that had good direction but was bogged down by studio involvement (if the reviews are correct, probably the latter). Either way, I think it's important that we remember how great a director Duncan Jones is and as such, I want to review his other two films which have been two of the best sci-fi films of recent years. Before I begin, I'd like to say that these two films are best enjoyed knowing as little as possible so I'd recommend watching them both now before you read the review. These films are Moon and Source Code so let's get to it with Moon first. Moon is a film that I probably shouldn't have reviewed because I don't want to tell you much about it. I'll try my best to avoid anything major but that's pretty hard all things considered. It tells the story of one man, played by Sam Rockwell, who runs a station on the moon. This stat...

Top 7- Reasons you should give Dexter a chance, despite it's diminishing returns

I have always championed Dexter since the day I started this blog, despite the fact that one of my first and personal favourite posts was talking about how I'd fix Season 8. That's what I'm here to talk to you about though. Nowadays, many associate Dexter with ending horribly and that is true but it also started absolutely wonderfully. So here are 7 reasons that you should give it a go, even though it does get really disappointing. 7. A bit of the old ultra-violence If you're the kind of sick, twisted bastard who likes to watch violence and see blood sprayed across the screen then you probably have a Y chromosome and will love Dexter. There are some scenes that are so bloody that it can be hard to watch but if you pick your shows based on frequency of violence, you should be watching Dexter. 6. SURPRISE MOTHER FUCKA I guess this is shorthand for saying the show is quotable. From Deborah's constant and incredibly imaginative swearing to Harry's ...

Review- X-Men Origins: Wolverine

X-Men Apocalypse comes out very soon and that's exciting because the last few films in the franchise have been great. Unfortunately, I'd already seen those so I'm reviewing X-Men Origins: Wolverine instead. I hate life. X-Men Origins: Wolverine (or Origins as I will call it now because the title is long and stupid) has a bad story and is a bad film. Cool, see you next week. Oh, you want more? Urgh, fine. It is the origins of Wolverine. We see a really cool montage of Wolverine and his brother Sabretooth fighting in all the big wars and had the movie just been that, I would have been close to happy. Unfortunately, it goes on and Wolverine is recruited into a squad of trained fighters. They're too evil for him so he leaves but years after, they're being hunted down by a mysterious killer. The killer isn't a mystery though, it's Sabretooth and we find this out immediately, ruining any tension. Anyway. Wolverine becomes Wolverine through a painful proc...

Opinion Piece- The music film renaissance

I like talking about music from time to time on this blog and I also like films. That's why I'm here to talk to you about what I would like to dub the music-film renaissance. It's a vague term but what I mean by it is films that focus on music and musicians. They're not necessarily biopics or musicals, just films that have a focus on music and the artists behind them. The term came to me when watching Love and Mercy and I think it's something that cinema has been doing very well recently. I'll start with the biopics because that's where I came up with the term. I'll do it chronologically so starting with Love and Mercy. It's the story of Brian Wilson, lead singer of the Beach Boys and his life and loss, told over two time periods. It was a bit of an underground hit as most of the people I've spoken to about the film have never heard of it but it deserves recognition. The movie uses that Beach Boys license perfectly and has two phenomenal perfor...

Review- Captain America: Civil War

DC, pay attention. This is how you make a VS movie. For anyone who has been living under a particularly strong vibranium rock, Captain America: Civil War is the start of Phase 3 in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. For reasons I won't spoil but are fairly obvious, Captain America and Iron Man get pitted against each other and fight, first with words and threats and eventually with fists and hand blasters. As far as story goes, it doesn't either create as many as implications for the world of Marvel nor twist as much as Winter Soldier but that's because Winter Soldier was an espoinage movie wheras Civil War is straight up action with hints of spy drama. I still loved the story though. The present twists and turns of plot were interesting and I loved the way that said twists worked to change the characters and how they interacted with each other. In all honesty though, the story isn't here to set the world on fire so if you're looking for that, why are you watching ...