Top 7- Worst Movie Endings

We've seen the best, now let's see the rest. After looking at so many great endings, we have to acknowledge those that just didn't work out. Some of these films are actually great but their endings simply don't do them justice. And as before major spoilers are ahead, but in this case, maybe that's not such a bad thing.

7. (500) Days of Summer

It saddens me to put this film on the list because I genuinely love it and the ending is pretty good until the very end. But we can't ignore the very end of the film because that's the final impression we're left with and it eats away at the film. The film ends with Joseph Gordon-Levitt dumping Zooey Deschanel which I'm totally fine with but it's literally the last ten seconds that sucks. JGL goes to a job interview and sees a new girl who he falls for. He asks her name. The reply? "Autumn". Facepalm. It's so cheesy it makes every bit of you want to shrivel up and it tarnishes an otherwise excellent film.

6. No Country for Old Men

I'm not as crazy about this film as everyone else seems to be and the ending is a big part of that. The problem isn't that the good guys lose. That's actually the bit about it that I like the most. My problem is how unceremoniously it just ends. A film doesn't have to end with spectacle but honestly, make it memorable. If you've seen the film, try and think to yourself how the film ends. It ends with Javier Bardem's character walking off after being hit by a car and Tommy Lee Jones looking sadly at some food. All the characters showing us complex emotions are gone and a film that occasionally sparked just fizzles out. Poor show, friendo's.

5. Kill Bill Vol. 2

They Kill Bill. Yeah. It's pretty anti-climactic. After the events of this film and the much stronger first film, we want a big, dramatic finish. We want blood, gore, monologues. We get a monologue and that's it. It's not even a particularly memorable monologue from Bill, it just talks about how far The Bride has come, talks about her kid for a bit and then it all ends as she gives Bill the old heart burster punch. We don't even see any blood or anything. Bill stumbles around for a bit, clutches his chest and falls over, leaving The Bride to walk off with her kid. From this kind of film, we deserved a far more dramatic ending, like in Django or Pulp Fiction. But no. Bill is killed. The film ends.

4. The Dark Knight Rises

There can be arguments made for whether The Dark Knight Rises is a fitting final film to Christopher Nolan's Batman trilogy or not. What is considerably less arguable is whether this film has a good ending. The answer is a clear no. Let me spell it out. First of all, Batman takes the nuke and makes a sacrifice. This is fine, even if it's unlikely that he could have made it far enough away from Gotham to save everyone. But then we find out that Batman survived and is sitting in a cafe with Catwoman and that Alfred was there and saw them. It's improbable and cheesy and Batman shouldn't even be alive having been right next to the nuke when it went off. What are you, Kingdom of the Crystal Skull? And finally, JGL is Robin? Don't do that. If you're going to do this, let us see the events take place in the film and don't just leave it hanging. A weak ending to a good film.

3. Superman

Another superhero films here, failing to deliver the goods. We're all in agreement that Superman is actually a good film but it's ending makes it undeniably weaker. It makes a bold decision in killing off Lois Lane, Superman's love interest, a move that was bold for both a film of this time and a superhero film. Unfortunately, it undoes all of this in a ridiculous move. Superman is so anguished by this that he fly's around the world to turn back time (a concept that is ludicrous, even for comic book films) and stops his girlfriend's death. It's a mess of an ending that is broken on so many levels.

2. Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

A steamy turd of an ending to a steamy turd of a film, there are no defenders of this ending. Even the few defenders of this film (and there are a few, believe it or not) have no defense for this. After going around for a bit, nuking fridges and swinging on vines with fake monkeys, Indy reaches the temple where the Crystal Skull lies. What does he find? Well, the crystal skull is from a race of aliens, they melt Cate Blanchett's face but not as well as in Raiders and they fly off into the sky, killing Ray Winston. That was a poor explanation but a good explanation doesn't make it make anymore sense. This ending is just one of many reasons why this franchise should have been left alone as it veered from a fun spiritual side to a too serious supernatural tone.

1. The Devil Inside

And so we shamble towards the worst end of all. Now, I'm going to tell you up front, I haven't actually seen this film. But while I was researching up on this topic (because I put effort into my blog, goddamn it), this ending caught my eye as the worst ending to a film I've ever heard of. So, the film is a found footage exorcism film, a rare genre these days for sure, and as the end approaches, the heroes have almost successfully performed the exorcism. But as they take their possessed friend to be exorcised, the demon leaves their body while in the car, takes over the driver and crashes the car. Cue about thirty seconds of the car rolling over and then... A link to a website appears, saying to follow the url for more information. Yup, your ending is held from you until you visit a website. I don't know if the ending is even on that site but even if it is, the mere idea that they would hold your ending from you until you visit their bloody website is a joke. It's like if...

The story doesn't end here. Follow the link to read the final sentence of the post


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