1 year anniversary of the blog

Today is the one year anniversary of me starting my blog. I feel like I've come a long way from moaning about Dexter to moaning about Transformers. It takes a lot of guts to moan about something everyone else hates and by gum, I've got those guts now. And while I've been keeping the blog going largely for myself as a pet project and something to do with my time other than video games, it's also still going because of your support. You, the audience. As thanks, I wanted to share some interesting bits of data that usually only I get to see. But today, I'll share them with you.

Over the past year, I've published 64 posts (not including this one) over eight different categories and I never missed a single week, I'm proud to say. The most popular post I've written is Top 7- Musical Moments in TV with 51 views. The best month for views was April of this year with 444 views over the month. The browser I get most views from is Safari by quite a large margin but for operating system it's far closer with iPhone taking 34% and Windows taking 33%. I've had views from Poland, Vietnam and Spain among many other countries. And finally, I've had a frankly ridiculous 2209 views! That's ridiculous!

So, those are some pretty impressive stats and those are all down to you. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for all the support over the last year. Whether you've read every post, clicked the ones that sounded interesting or you accidentally clicked on this post and now feel too uncomfortable to leave, thank you. It's thanks to you that I can fuel my writer's ego and get about 1p in Ad sense each year. You are the reason I'm here (as in, this bit of the internet) and if I get anywhere near the amount of support I've had this year over the next year or maybe more! Again, thank you.


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