Um, hey! This isn't going to be your regularly scheduled post, because (as David Bowie's appearance is supposed to hint at) The Quite Nerdy Blog is changing. For six years now, I have been doing pretty much the exact same thing. Every week, without fail, I have produced a piece of writing. It means I have an incredibly dense portfolio but it has also led to weeks of panic, last minute writing and feverish edits as I've attempted to put out a new post. I also feel like it means I am more worried about putting out a lot of content instead of really interesting content and as such, I am finally changing up my schedule. We are still sticking to a Tuesday release at 10:00am GMT, but I will only be releasing a post every other week. If there is something out that I want to talk about or review in some form then yes, I may break from the schedule for something. As we stand though, a new blog post will be released every other Tuesday.
I figure I should explain my logic a little bit, though it does mainly come down to wanting to produce larger, more interesting things. First, there is the fact that I'm in my final year of my undergraduate degree, a year that is going to require me to do a dissertation. That's going to be an absurd amount of research and writing, an amount I am definitely not prepared for, so I need all the time I can get. I love my degree, I want to get a really great grade and so yeah, I am afraid I will be sacrificing some personal stuff for that because I am a massive, massive nerd.
In terms of personal projects though, there's also a bunch of stuff I want to do. As you know if you follow me online, particularly on Twitter, I am trying to get into more video editing. The future of film criticism and content is murky and uncertain but I feel like having another arrow in my creative quiver will be no disadvantage on my part. I love video editing, but it is super time consuming and I would benefit from having less writing to do to work on that. Also, I am spending so much time thinking of concepts to use for my blog, when I could be using some of these concepts as pitches to professional outlets. This blog has a special place in my heart, but if I try and do more freelance writing, that is going to pave the way for a potential future career. It's still a total pipe dream, I have to admit, but it will be less of a pipe dream if I try and send off my writing to professional publications instead of saving it up for this corner of the internet that very few people inhabit.
That is me and that is my plan! Like I say, I am still writing on this blog, still doing it regularly, but I want to expand my horizons. If you want my more regular thoughts on films, I log on my Letterboxd every time I see a film and I am reliably shitposting on my Twitter on far too regular a basis. If anything totally captures me though, there's nothing stopping me from coming back here and writing to my hearts content on it. So yeah, that is the update. I'm not sure yet if the new schedule will start next week or in two weeks time but if you follow me on social media, you'll find out first. For anyone who's been reading this for a year, thank you so much. For anyone who's been reading it for three years, you're heroes. For anyone who's been reading this since I started, you are insane and I am glad to have you supporting me. Don't think of this as the end of the blog, think of this as the next chapter. Let's turn the page.
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