Razzies 2016- My predictions

For those of you who are unaware, the Razzies are an annual award held shortly before the Oscars that "celebrate" the worst movies of the year. After all, who says that bad films don't deserve recognition too? I would also like to apologise for the lack of Pan being nominated in every category. It was the worst film I saw last year and should have been in every category. Finally, I was lucky enough not to see all of these films so I'm just going off what other people have said and also my pre-existing hatreds of various people. Razzie Redeemer- Sylvester Stallone for Creed We're starting off positive with the Razzie Redeemer award. This award is for people who have made bad stuff but have started to make good stuff again. I chose Sylvester Stallone because he was great in Creed and he made it after slurring his way through three decades and three Expendables films. From ex-action star to rising dramatic actor, it's one of the most impressive returns sin...