Oscars 2016- Room
Round two: this week, less action, a bit more emotion and only a tad more crying. That's right, it's Room (not The Room). Room is the story of a mother who was abducted at a young age and had a little boy named Jack. They live together in a tiny Room which Ma's abductee keeps them in and it's the only world Jack has ever known. The story goes deeper than that but I don't want to go any further because watching the trailers gave away far too much for me and the story in this movie is best enjoyed knowing as little as possible because I felt that I'd lost something from the experience. I wouldn't go as far to say that the story is what's most important though. What's most important is the sentiment in each carefully structured moment from Emma Donoghue in her lovely adaptation of a book I've heard nothing but praise from. Like I was saying, the story isn't what you'll care about in this film because this film is held up by a phenomena...