Opinion Piece- We need more (and also less) American shows

The last few years have brought about what is arguably one of the single best periods for TV that we've ever had. There are so many fantastic shows on, be they Breaking Bad, Mad Men or Fargo. But do you spot a theme in these shows? They're all American. Sure, Doctor Who has been keeping mildly relevant and Sherlock is great when it's on but even when we are making quality shows, they're simply not as good as American shows. And we need more of them.

American shows are bringing TV to levels we could have never imagined and it's great that we get to see it. But here in the UK, we don't get it quite as easily. Take Orphan Black, the hit cult show starring Tatiana Maslany in a tense, intrigue filled role as the witness to the suicide of someone who looks identical to her. It has been ignored by American critics for the most part and it means that we didn't get it for ages. Sure, we got Season 2 days after it aired in America but Season 3 only just popped up on iPlayer and Season 1 took half a year to turn up here. We're doing a better job at getting American shows over here but it's still tough to get shows like Archer and Parks and Recreation with ease and in their entirety. These shows are fantastic and we want more of them.

We are slightly ignoring British shows here slightly but that's because I don't think there are that many of note at the moment. There's Inside No. 9 and Broadchurch but those are both gone for now. And as much as I want to support our homegrown, British content, I can't because there isn't enough good stuff. Think about what your favourite show is. It's either American or has been off the air for years. We simply haven't got enough stuff to compete with America and that's why we're turning to them as a substitute. Here in Britain, we do two things well: panel shows and documentaries. Our drama departments are becoming spotty and we simply have to address that.

I see this as an addiction problem. We were hooked on British TV but now that it's fading slightly, we're turning to American stuff. I can't say it's a bad thing though. It's showed us a whole new world of content that can be created and is breaking new ground every day. We just need more ways to access it, alongside some better British TV, to try and compete with it. Because as much as I love Have I Got News For You, it can't compete with something like Arrested Development. Just bring back Graham Lineham to write everything. We haven't had any fantastic comedy that functions as straight up comedy (I love Inside No 9 but it's a drama as well) since The IT Crowd logged off and that's the sad truth.


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