Opinion Piece- I don't like Game of Thrones, so get used to it

Ever since I started this blog, I've had a few items coming up over and over again as requests. Some, like District 9, I happily obliged with. However, there is one item that has been requested over and over again, more than anything else. The item in question is (as you may have guessed by the title) Game of Thrones. It's been requested more than anything else (meaning about three times) but regardless, it's what people want. And in this case, I refuse to give people what they want. Why? Well, that's kind of the point of this post. It'll just take a few paragraphs, I promise you'll enjoy it. Also, MAJOR SPOILERS for the whole show so far are ahead so be wary.

First off, one reason I refuse to watch it is because I already know most of the events that have happened. If you have used the internet at all during the past five years, you'll have almost certainly heard about The Red Wedding, Joeffry's death or the killing of Jon Snow. You don't even have to be looking for spoilers to find them, they make up a good half of the internet now, along with cats and pornography. And as much as I could try and push through it in the hope that I could make it to season 6 in time to avoid spoilers, there's always people talking about the books and spoiling all sorts of events. The problem is, what makes GoT so popular is the series of twists it throws at it's audience and if those are spoiled, the show is spoiled.

Next, lets get to a more personal reason: I really don't like fantasy as a genre. For whatever reason, that genre never clicks. I'm a huge nerd, I should love fantasy. But it's just kind of shit. Maybe it's because of the lack of technology and the constant sword fighting and funny talking but it obviously isn't because I love the Legend of Zelda series. Those games are fun and fit pretty much every trope of the fantasy genre. Anyway, fantasy just doesn't really click for me and it takes more than hardcore sex and violence to keep someone interested.

Finally, a simple reason: It's often far too complicated for me. I attempted to watch it for a bit and I just couldn't get into it. I watched it for a season and a half and I didn't know who half the characters were. More to the point, it didn't give me a reason to care. There were all these characters in all these places with all these plotlines flying around them. I'd say there were about 20 main characters, each with about 2 plotlines to themselves. That's 40 plotlines! Plus, by the time you get to know a character and actually begin to like them, they die. You get too invested in a character (or even slightly invested for that matter) and your reward is their death. It's just too complicated for me without enough reason to try and decipher it.

I won't review Game of Thrones. I'm sorry everyone who wanted it but I won't. I think it's dull and there isn't enough reason for me to watch it anymore, what with the entire plot being all over the internet. So if you want Game of Thrones, go elsewhere. If you want posts that are barely topical or just flatout not topical, you're still in the right place.


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