
Showing posts from July, 2015

Top 7- Best Movie Endings

One of the most important parts of a film is how it ends it's story. There are so many ways that a film can choose to end their story and I think it's very important that we honour the endings that do justice to their films. So to clarify, we're not looking at the happiest endings, nor the best twists because that last one is coming up in a later list. We're looking at the endings that made their films even better, that enhanced the final product further than we could ever have thought. And in case it really had to be said, there are major spoilers ahead for all of these films 7. Forrest Gump We'll start with a classic. Everyone loves Forrest Gump and it's ending helps cement it's status as a classic. It's an ending that manages to be both tragic and heartwarming at the same time. First of all, Forrest ends up with Jenny. Then Jenny dies and every part of you dies with her, especially after Forrest reads out the letter from his son. Finally, we s...

Review- Comic Con 2105's Trailers

It may have been a bit over a week ago now but I feel it's still apporpriate for us to talk about some of the amazing (and less than amazing) trailers that came out of this year's Comic Con. I'm only reviewing ones that exist as an officially released version. Trailers like Deadpool will not feature for this reason. So let's buckle up and get ready for some trailers for films that may not even live up to the hype! TV Super Mansion First up, a show that no one was really aware of before the convention but now, it's got the attention of a lot of people for good reason. This trailer won people over with it's Robot Chicken-esque style and a very mature sense of humour. The show (from what we can tell) is about Bryan Cranston's character (because yes, Bryan Cranston is in this) who is a bit of a crap ex-superhero, attempting to make a comeback with his team of heroes. The story doesn't matter here, what matters is that we have an amazing cast deliveri...

To polish a turd- Community Season 4 or Fixing of Mediocrity 101

From the dizzying heights of all the other seasons to the comparatively low depths of Season 4, this was a tough season to be a Community fan. The funny thing is that Season 4 isn't actually the evil spawn of hatred that fans put it up to being. In any other sitcom, this would have been an average season but because of the staggeringly high bar set, the show could only go down. Regardless, this season is pretty bad and it has flaws that I'm going to try and fix, even if later seasons actually fixed these problems. So let's begin our descent into a mediocre season and all the ways we can forget about it. I'll start on the obvious. One place where Season 4 tripped up before it even started filming was in the firing of main writer and creator, Dan Harmon. Harmon is undoubtedly the life blood on the show and no matter how much the same writers, directors and actors can pretend it's all fine, it's just not. While I don't want to talk shit about anyone who ...

Opinion Piece- I don't like Game of Thrones, so get used to it

Ever since I started this blog, I've had a few items coming up over and over again as requests. Some, like District 9, I happily obliged with. However, there is one item that has been requested over and over again, more than anything else. The item in question is (as you may have guessed by the title) Game of Thrones. It's been requested more than anything else (meaning about three times) but regardless, it's what people want. And in this case, I refuse to give people what they want. Why? Well, that's kind of the point of this post. It'll just take a few paragraphs, I promise you'll enjoy it. Also, MAJOR SPOILERS for the whole show so far are ahead so be wary. First off, one reason I refuse to watch it is because I already know most of the events that have happened. If you have used the internet at all during the past five years, you'll have almost certainly heard about The Red Wedding, Joeffry's death or the killing of Jon Snow. You don't even hav...