
Showing posts from March, 2015

Review- Bad Neighbours

Well, tomorrow is April Fools Day and while I did just want to make a prank post, I decided not to cheapen the blog with that. Instead, a review of a comedy film from last year that I missed. And that film is Bad Neighbours. Is it good? Is it bad? Will Seth Rogen play a character who isn't just Seth Rogen? A firm no to that last one but it's time to find out about the other two. Bad Neighbours is the story of Seth Rogen (played here by Seth Rogen) and an ever attractive Rose Byrne who move into a lovely neighbourhood. They have a baby and they just want to settle down and have a peaceful life, watching TV and doing whatever else normal parents are meant to do. Unfortunately, a frat house moves in next door, chaired by Zac Efron. It all starts fine but soon Seth Rogen takes it a step too far and we enter a prank war. Yeah, that's about as deep as the story gets. Seriously. It's a Seth Rogen film, it's not going to do anything big like, oh I don't know, take ...

Top 7- Best Fight Scenes in Movies

After last weeks little rant on people assuming that violence in the media makes people violent, I wanted to celebrate by looking at some of the coolest and most exciting ways people have inflicted violence on each other. Of course, this is all fiction and being a functioning member of society, I can enjoy them for the sill little things that they are, even if they're well executed silliness. And they are very well executed. Warning: there are spoilers ahead. Proceed with caution. 7. Fight Club- The Narrator VS Angel Face Fight Club was always going to be on a list of best fights in movies and so here it is. The fight I've chosen is the one between The Narrator and Angel Face, of which there isn't a video of on YouTube. At this point, The Narrator has had a lot of anger building up inside him and this is all released on poor Angel Face. We don't actually see much of the fight. Instead, what makes this fight so powerful is what we don't see and what we hear. T...

Opinion Piece- Does violence in the media make us more violent?

No. It doesn't. I'd love to leave this post here because that's how firmly I feel about this matter. In my opinion, there is absolutely no way that seeing violence on screens cause people to reenact these events. There just isn't. However, this is simply not enough to fill a blog or convince people anything otherwise. So, let's go on a journey to discover why violence in the media doesn't make people violent. So, one thing that many people point to as an example of fictional violence is the columbine shootings in 1999. For those of you who don't know, this event was when two young men went into a school, shot a lot of children and then killed themselves. This was a horrible event and many people looked for some kind of justification. The connection that many people ended up making was that both of the shooters played the video game "Doom". For those of you who don't know, Doom is a game where a super buff marine runs around Mars shooting spac...

Top 7- Worst films to watch with your parents

In honour of Mothers Day this Sunday, let's celebrate with a whole load of films that, while not necessary bad, should be watched alone or with mates. So, do the dutiful Mothers day gift/card charade and then hide away from your parents to watch these quality/pretty unsuitable films. Let the uncomfortableness commence. 7. Her Her is actually a really good film and one that I'd really recommend. What I would not recommend is watching this with your parents. It's a film about how people fall in love with their phones and computers and while this may explain a lot to your parents, it could also freak them out a lot. For someone to want to go as far as having sex with their phone is a pretty odd concept and it's not a great one to grapple with next to your parents. Also, the phone sex scene with the cat lover lady. If you've seen it, you know what I'm talking about and why you could never watch this with anyone else, let alone your parents. 6. Basic Insti...

Review- District 9

Today, a review of District 9 for a few reasons. 1. Chappie comes out this week. 2. It would be insane to watch and review all of House of Cards Season 3 in a weekend, especially with mocks ahead of me. And 3. A friend of mine said he'd come back to reading my blog if I did a review of District 9. So, for the all important second reason, here's my review of District 9. District 9 is the story of some aliens who suddenly turn up in Johannesburg for no reason. They are shoved into slums and given a huge lack of respect in the least subtle race metaphor in a long time. We join the story with a man named Wikus who is a bit of a wuss and has a funny little South African accent. He's in charge of evicting the aliens of something. I can't really remeber what he does but he works for the evil corporation who are screwing the aliens over big time. Anyway, in a visit to the slums, he finds... You know what, I don't want to spoil this. He finds something that changes h...