10/10 would reccomend- The Apprentice

So, one of the two actually good reality TV shows is now back on air and I am loving it. I am talking about the Apprentice (if you missed the title and that picture of Al above the words). And while I generally despise reality shows, I adore the Apprentice. Why do I love it?  And why should you (audience member) watch this show as well? For a start, it's so funny and natural that it  rarely ever feels like real people talking real things. It's so funny it could be scripted but it's not and that's why it feels so god damn special.

For those of you who don't know, the Apprentice is a show based around 16 (or 20 in the case of this year) egotistical businessmen/women trying to win an investment from business legend Lord Alan Sugar. It results in a bunch of people who think they're the best thing since sliced bread shouting at each other, blaming everyone else and ultimately being told they're shit by Lord Sugar. Oh, the looks on their sad little faces when their dreams are destroyed. And this series has already had two excellent episodes, full of all your typical moments the series is famed for. We had tantrums, people blaming everyone else for everything else and Alan ending dreams like double French ends happiness. 

While the series is not for everyone, those who are fans of slightly trashy shows and seeing massive arseholes being shut down will love this. It's nothing new but it's consistently amusing, cringe inducing in all the right ways and a guilty pleasure that never feels like a guilty pleasure. You should at least try it. At least try it. Because you'll know instantly if you want to stick around. If you didn't like the episode you saw, forget it. If you liked it, welcome to a world of backstabbers and blaming that will keep you entertained for a damn long time.


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