A good place to start

This is essentially my first blog post. Sure, I did that intro one on Sunday but that was housekeeping. This one is me, this is what I want my blog to be. So be a bit kind about it.
So, I was contemplating what my first blog should be about. I haven't watched any films recently (apart from Four weddings and a Funeral but I don't want to talk about that and you don't want to hear about that). I'm watching Guardians of the Galaxy and Dawn of the Planet of the Apes tomorrow (Wednesday for those late readers) so maybe I'll do a big double review to christen the blog. But today, I have nothing. So I'm going to introduce myself or rather, my interests. So I'm going to talk about some of my favourite things in the world of TV, film and video games. Because, well, it is what this blog is about.

My all-time favourite film is Fight Club. I love it because of many reasons. For a start, it's just enjoyable at a base level. There is something satisfying on a very deep level about watching men beating sixty shades of shit out of each other. On a higher level, it's got one of the best twists in all of movie history, up there with the sixth sense and Planet of the Apes (not the abysmal Tim Burton/Mark "Marky Mark" Wahlberg remake). And then on a level higher than Snoop Dogg, there is a loooooad of philosophy about letting go of materialistic items and the demons inside us. All in all, it's a film that anyone can enjoy. That is, of course, unless you don't like blood, swearing and random penis' in your films.
A film that deserves a mention here is Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. It's a film that a lot of people haven't heard of but it deserves a huge amount of recognition. It's a romantic comedy drama (NOT A ROMCOM) that actually has quite a few big names in Holywood. I'm not going to waste your time with the synopsis but it stars Jim Carrey and Kate Winslet alongside Kirsten Dunst, Mark Ruffalo and Elijah Wood in a film that's well written, plotted and acted. It can be a bit confusing and a bit odd for some but it's worth a watch for any film fan.

By a large way, my favourite show ever made is Community. It's a comedy that takes place in a community college and has only really got mainstream recognition from being cancelled and then uncancelled magically by Yahoo. It is a very strange show and very nerdy but has a fanbase dedicated like no other. While it's not the biggest fanbase, the passion there is unavoidable. It's a show so irreverent, it will dedicate episodes to the story of pillow forts vs blanker forts. This is a show that, while not for everyone, is nerd nirvana. I'm also passionate about Breaking Bad to the point where I own two damn prints signed by Bryan Cranston. You've likely already heard of Breaking Bad but regardless, if you haven't seen it, watch it now.

Video Games
I wouldn't say I have any concrete favourites in terms of video games. I love video games for multiple reasons. For example, the story of Bioshock Infinite is one of the best I've ever witnessed. I love the ridiculous feeling of freedom Just Cause 2 gives you. I guess that if I were to think of the game I played which I would consider the most worthy, it would have to be a game with a good story and good gameplay. So, going by that, it has to be Professor Layton and the Lost Future (unwound future for the yanks). For a start, it is the only video game that has ever made me cry. It has devious and clever puzzles made for cracking alone for hours or sharing with family. Then there's also the fact that for a year (365 days) a new puzzle was sent over the internet. So even when you beat the game and all the secret puzzles, you had a reason to pick up you DS each day and play some more.

 I hope you enjoyed this weeks blog. As ever, any support is appreciated and I will see you next week
See ya on the next post!
Henry- The Quite Nerdy Guy


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