Oscars 2019: Review - Vice

Nominated for eight Oscars, including Best Director, Best Actor and Best Picture. Vice is the much anticipated follow-up to The Big Short which, I can confirm, still holds up brilliantly. This time though, director Adam McKay is aiming his satirical gaze at ex-Vice President and all around dick head Dick Cheney. He's not a familiar figure to many here in the UK (or at least, not many my age) but fortunately, that's what the film is all about, no prior knowledge of him needed. It careens wildly through his life, flash forward and backward with little abandon, from the time when he was a college dropout getting drunk all the time, to when he was first working in the White House, all the way to when he was Vice President of the United States of America. One of the most interesting things about the film for me was that I didn't know the story, so getting to hear it (from an admittedly anti-Cheney standpoint) was interesting. What I didn't like was that the story is tol...