Review- Power Rangers
Power Rangers is the film based on that show you watched as a five year old and really enjoyed but looking back know in your heart that it was kind of naff. The film, shockingly, is also fairly naff but in a somewhat enjoyable way. The story is pretty predictable if you've ever seen an episode of Power Rangers, although this is mainly an origins story with the predictable Power Rangers bit in the last half an hour. The film opens with an exposition bit set in the past, then a joke about jerking off a cow, then a car crash and then a Breakfast Club bit. It's tonally very confused to begin with but then they discover their power stones, Bryan Cranston's face in the wall and then even start to discover themselves. Bad Guy Rita Repulsa turns up and wants the crystal of maguffin that is (and this isn't a joke) buried under Krispy Kreme. Hand to hand combat ensues, followed by Powerzord combat, followed by Megazord combat. This film won't win any awards for story, eve...