Opinion Piece- Why Power Rangers will be awful but in the good way

In about a month, we are going to be blessed burdened with a big budget, gritty Power Rangers reboot. We still have no idea what realm of quality it's going to fall into but that doesn't mean we haven't had hints. From those hints, we've picked up that really, it's going to be a fairly shit film. I mean, Power Rangers worked as a children's show because it was laughably low budget, fully cheesy and fully aware of how naff it was. Plus, it was made for seven year olds who could watch just about anything for half an hour. A lot of that gets lost in a self serious remake but I have hope that it'll be enjoyably naff. This years Nine Lives if we're lucky. The bit that has me equal parts worried and excited is the odd moments of humour from the most recent trailer. A "stand out" moment would probably be when the girl is telling her mum that she's a superhero, at which point the mother asks her to piss in a cup. It's a drugs joke. Becau...