A very topical matter- Hateful Eight casting

Newsflash! Quentin Tarantino has announced the main cast for his new film, The Hateful Eight. I'm pretty damn excited for it and the casting has made me even more excited. The full report is here (http://www.theverge.com/2014/11/6/7170107/hateful-eight-cast-announced-quentin-tarantino-western) but stick around and I'll give you a brief rundown.

The cast is made up of a mixture of previous Tarantino collaborators and some newbies ready to be shot up in style. We obviously have Samuel "Bad-ass" Jackson (Pulp Fiction, Django Unchained e.t.c), the most frequent Tarantino collaborator starring alongside occasional collaborators Micheal Madsen (Kill Bill, Reservoir Dogs) and Tim Roth (Reservoir Dogs, Pulp Fiction). There's some relative unknowns but then we have Channing Tatum, a man whose most famous role is a stripper. Having said this, I trust Tarantino and Tatum isn't an awful actor so fingers crossed.

All over, this looks promising. A brilliant director mixed with a solid cast can only be gold. Lets just hope I'm not proved wrong.


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