Review - Us

Us is the second directorial feature from Get Out director, funny dude and general all around nice seeming guy Jordan Peele and so for a lot of you, that should be all the convincing you need to see this film. In fact, with the box office take, it's highly likely that if you're reading this you probably already saw Us last weekend but for those who haven't and want convincing, or those who just want to know my opinion, let's get into it. Us is the story of a family who go on holiday to a location of mysterious previous trauma for the mother. She is trying to cope with this while her husband attempts to impress his rich friends, her son keeps wearing this strange mask and her daughter is doing her best to pay none of them any attention at all. So far, so regular family but all of a sudden, four figures show up at the front of their house in the middle of the night. Are they a family? Are they lost? Are they... Us? The film goes into it from there and spirals out in s...