Opinion Piece- House of Cards is Dead... Thank God

What is it with the amount of trash I've watched this year? I know a couple of weeks ago I was talking about how disappointing a year it's been but man, this is a whole new low. See, I used to be a huge House of Cards fan. I got into it when season 2 came out and as someone who doesn't have the most sophisticated taste for politics, I was wowed by how enthralled I was constantly. Slowly, the series got less and less good and then very suddenly, the Kevin Spacey accusations came out. Headlines start to fly about how the House of Cards is tumbling down, jokes are made about how even fake Hilary can't get her shot at the presidency but among the rubble, the cast and crew of the show united and pledged that, for the fans, they'd finish up one last season. And maybe they shouldn't have. As a warning, there will be spoilers from here on out but that shouldn't matter for such a poorly written final season. I'll address the elephant in the room right away;...