Review- Solo: A Star Wars Story

Before I get into the review, an announcement. I now have a Letterboxd account so for all of you who have it, you can find me at but if you don't have it, it's a solid little social networking site based around films, it's worth checking out. You can find out how I feel about films I haven't reviewed, what I'm watching and I'm slowly building up a collection of lists there. So if you really need more of my film opinions, follow that link! Now, to Solo. As the title kind of gives away, Solo: A Star Wars Story is a story set in the Star Wars universe about famous smuggler/rogue/scruffy looking nerfherder Han Solo. Like Rogue One, it's a prequel story set before the events of the original trilogy which tells the story of how Han Solo became the character we all came to love. How did he get his blaster? How did he meet Chewie? How did he get his surname? We find out all those answers and more in the course of a story t...